Player Character Floor Collision glitch

My player character will randomly fall through a floor made of static meshes (instanced in this case). It’s as if the entire collision system breaks for a single frame and then the character is teleported under the floor mesh.

The character uses default pawn collision and the static meshes are set to “BlockAllDynamic”.

This only happens on very rare occasions. Maybe 1 in every 100 playthroughs. It can also happen anywhere on the map.

Because of the rarity of the glitch I haven’t figured out any method to debug or troubleshoot this. I only know it’s happening because the project was launched on Steam and I see this happening with regularity in the userbase.

Does anybody have any recs on how to debug this or a way to make floor collisions more reliable?

Just checking the obvious things here. I’m assuming it’s a blueprint that inherits from character, has a reasonable sized collision capsule, which is set to pawn.

Have you check the levels in player collision view?

You are correct in your assumptions. The only thing a little out of the ordinary is that my floor is made from generated HISMs with collision enabled.

Again the strangest part is that it happens at the most random times and I have never been able to make it happen intentionally. 3 out of thousands of players have reported the issue and I saw it happen to a Twitch steamer lets play. It has happened to me about 5 times over about year and a half of development.

In my random searching I see a lot of ARK players complaining about a similar issue but I haven’t found a direct link to my issue.

Would just love to know if anyone has a good strategy for diagnosing these kinds of bugs. I’m thinking of making an AI character that will play through the level non-stop until it happens.

I can sympathize.

I have a game on Steam, a handful of people have had a problem with the code that decides what level is coming next, leaving them with no level.

There’s no bug in the code, I’ve tested until my head exploded, I inspected their save game, and yes, it’s missing. It’s some sort of timing issue.

And… one person reported being able to jump directly off a cliff. I know that’s impossible, because it’s surrounded by blocking volumes. I got them to try and replicate it. They couldn’t.

A couple of things I can suggest:

  1. Get the player character to log to a new save game type. Using a down trace, what are they currently walking over, etc? When someone has the problem, get them to send the log file to you.

  2. Program around it. Assume it’s going to happen and, again using a down trace, notice when there’s nothing there, move the player up or back to the level start.

Thanks for the feedback. That definitely sounds like a similar hard-to-debug situation and those are good ideas to detect at least the conditions for when the issue happens.

I already have a collision volume for teleporting the player back, so I can also set that to write to a save file or generate a log print string and see if some error appears as well.

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