Player character cannot jump on certain objects

So i’ve been working on a game and i made a part in which you must jump on top of objects that are hanging from chains. Everything works well if you go in a certain direction but if you try to go the other way around the player character can’t jump when on top of the platform that is hanging from the chains. From what i’ve been able to see this only happens from that angle, if i come from the ending platform to the hanging one instead of from the beginning one i cant jump, and since the platform is using physics i believe it must be something related to a bug in the physics. I don’t know if i made it clear with my description of my problem, so if you need more pics or vid to see what i mean, tell me.

Another thing to note is that of you manage to rotate the object by pushing it slightly you can jump again. Which is kinda weird and is what led me to believe that somehow the rotation of the object is also kinda related. But i after rotating the object and being able to jump i couldnt be able to get back to not being able to jump unless i got off the object and on top of it from another platform.

Here is a drawing of what i mean in case i wasnt able to explain it properly as it is a really weird situation and i just dont even know how to word it properly without seeing it.

The character can jump properly everywhere else, its just on the hanging platforms. The chains are made out of multiple meshes with physics constrains in between, and the platform is attached to the last part of the chain through blueprints, i tried it on event tick, begin play and construction script but all give the same result. Also the attachment welds the bodies together, just in case this has something to do with it.

When i scale the object to make it bigger it now starts happening on every single direction i come from, which has led me to believe it is related to the way the object is being attached. Any suggestions, please?

Try stopping your game and looking at ‘player collision’:


You find the menu in the viewport:


I think you’ll find that in terms of collision the chain is taking up the whole platform ( could be wrong… ).

that was the first thing i tried, but no, i specifically modified the chain’s collision right after importing it to make sure it took as little space as possible, but never mind as i already modified the whole idea to work in a different way, which seems easier to achieve, i just replaced it with a skeletal mesh that has one bone fixed and all is working “fine” for now… the problem is that now, even tho i can normally jump at once, moving the chain from side to side while on the platform to get to the next one seems almost impossible… So many problems with physics in this engine, i just cant keep up anymore, i have been sitting here since 9 AM and i cant figure out what is it that im doing wrong…