Player Capsule Collision - Not fall down

Good morning boys and girls.

Can somebody explain me how i can make my character fall down when he is in the air like in the picture? The capsule collision is in the air but a small point still touches the floor. I wan’t him to fall down when the capsule is like in the picture. Maybe a mass which pulls hi down.


Is it an AI bot?

Thats the Player Character! Me :wink: I control him. But he don’t fall down at this moment.

In your Blueprint you need to adjust the CharacterMovement options under CharacterMovement: Walking.

The ones you’ll want to take a look at are:

  • Perch Radius Threshold
  • Perch Additional Height
  • Ledge Check Threshold
  • Use Flat Base for Floor Checks

Between these settings you should be able to adjust to fit your needs.


THX! Little bit hidden but DONE <3