Player can spam arrows, any fix?


I’ve been trying to fix this since a long time, but I can’t find a solution. I’ve tried with the DoOnce node and the Timer by Event, but it didn’t work (maybe I did something wrong). How would you prevent the arrows to be spammed? I’ll add S.S so you can see what I did.

DoOnce is the way. Put one on each line after the InputActionFire. Then either have a loopback or a custom even on the reset. Only reset it when you’re happy for them to fire again…

Although I’d separate this:


Keep the execution line apart.

Here’s how I handle it.

The input action (Fire) checks against isFiring? bool before calling the event.

I’ve tried to add this, because I saw it somewhere else, but I couldn’t do it because I work with both the “Pressed” and “Released” states from a Input Event. Do you know how can I make it work with that? Where should I set the timer? Thank you!

I’ll check that, and what do you mean by “separating” the Get Actor Of Class?