Surely the size of your capsules is insufficient or the camera is very close to the edge
As husky alluded to, you could make the capsule slightly bigger and see if that stops you from sticking the camera through walls,
If your doing third person which it dosent appear you are, you can use a spring arm
Or if its a very slight thing you can go into project settings and change a setting called near camera clipping plane, tho i dont recommend this unless both of the above fail
Looks like your camera is substantially larger than the capsule… you can make the capsule bigger or, ive never tried it but possibly the camera smaller
Also why is the camera so big? Just a bit strange, why not set the visuals to different settings instead of making it bigger?
your walls are too thin.
the camera is in the edge of the capsule u need tu put the square part in the eyes zone
i did it but not solved
Make your capsule on the player Character larger, and if the camera is big reset it to regular transform 1,1,1
You’re capsule appears to be a bit small and the camera a bit large
if that’s not the case that’s fine too just make the capsule slightly larger
In the details panel on the left ( in case you didn’t know ) each component you select there has it’s own details that can be changed in relation to the parent ( whatever they are nested under )
Failing that there’s practically only two other options, changing the near view clipping plane ( not recommended ) or using a spring arm ( not ideal for 1st person )
if you want a working first person character
open content drawer
click green add button
click add feature( second top )
add first person
replace your character.
better yet…
restart your project from the first person template
migrate over anything you want to keep
migrate -
right click asset
asset actions
make sure your in the new projects content folder
thank you
This generally reminds me of the early gaming days. Love this mate!