Player buildings is out of level with everything

I have a zonewars map and if I place any buildings when playing it it’s out of level with everything. I used the landscaping tool to create the floor, idk why it’s like this.
Picture attached:

How do I fix this?

Hey fnviktor,

Player builds work to a grid that is 384 high and 512 wide from 0.
The pieces of your map have to be located to line up with them,
You will have to move everything up or down and left or right to match
So make sure your walls work to z location of 0, +/- 384, +/- 768, +/- 1152, +/- 1536, +/- 1920, +/- 2304 etc
and your x and y walls are at multiples of 512

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And do you know how i can move everything down with -100 on z axis? Everything is above the needed value with 100. So if something needs to be 0 it’s 100, and if it needs to be 384 it’s 484.

The landscape is easiest, just select the Landscape item which holds all the LandscapeStreamingProxy components and take 100 off the z in the details-transform.

Next make sure to Disable Editor Cell Snap in World Settings,

100 is trickier for movement, you can either
select a bunch of assets and use the grid snap to progressively lower them with the gizmo handles, first one move down with grid snap on 64, then one move on 32, then one move on 4


select a bunch of sasets and move them as children onto one asset, and change that assets z value by 100 in details.

Get ready to undo and reselect if things don’t move properly.

A little bit of work…I had to do it with my first map, I had started off building at 512 high instead of 384

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Allright thank you I’ll try that

I have tried creating an empty actor but I can’t parent it because it says it’s a dynamic actor and everything else I want to make the children of it is static. Do you know how to fix that?

No I haven’t tried making an empty actor before,
I made a cube in modelling mode to use,
I remember folders in the outliner become a bit of a pain, I had heaps of them and had to duplicate the cube to drop one in each folder.

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