Hello - relative novice here. I am trying to create a playable third person bird character - we’ll say a duck - that can walk, run, jump, fly, and float on water. I have succeeded in getting my duck to run and jump. I am certain I will figure out how to get it to go from a walk to a run too. I just haven’t dug into that yet.
Needless to say, I have a very basic grasp of state machines, blend space, and the like. What I am now trying to tackle is two things. Any guidance on either of them or both would be greatly appreciated.
I want to figure out how to trigger a flying system when you want the bird to fly and then to trigger a boat-like control system when the duck touches water. I’ve put some time into the flying thing, and think with due time I will figure it out. There’s some tutorials out there I can really drill into, primarily this one, so I don’t think I will be going into it blind. Though I will still gladly accept any advice on that.
But how do I do the floating thing? I want a system similar to this, except instead of driving an external boat, the duck is the boat.
I presume a blueprint in the familiar diamond shape but with offshoots for when water is interacted with and for when in air you choose to fly instead of completing the jump. Can I have some friendly insights on this? Thanks a million.