Play testing not working right

Hey, when I hit play, my character starts the map, but can’t look around, move, and doesn’t spawn at the player start, but instead another room, the same room, every time.

-post a pic of your level
-do you probably have two player starts in your level?
-have you probably placed the character bp into your level
-which template do you use?
-the character gets spawned?
-probably a collision is blocking your player start -> check for hidden collisions :slight_smile:

That is what happens when I click play,
I only have 1 player start
I haven’t placed the character bp in my level
I used the FPS template
The character is spawned, yeah
And I don’t currently have any collisions that would do anything, as only the floors, walls, and ceilings are placed as of right now. I do spawn under the floor, but even after moving the floor, it’s not fixed.

Also, play from here doesn’t work either

-check your world settings -> at gamemode you should choose the fps gamemode
-move the player start high above your meshes and try it again
-are you abel to play with your character in one of the template maps?

I am in the FPS gamemode,
Moving my player above the meshes doesn’t work either,
And no, I’m not able to play in a template map

Ok, then it’s a problem with your project.

-open the character bp and check if you can see a mesh in the component tab + if you can also see some nodes in the event graph and if you probably get an error/warning
-open the project settings and under the axis mapping check if you can see some inputs in there

There are 2 meshes in the component tab, Mesh1P, which is a child of FirstPersonCamera, and Mesh (Inherited) which is a child of CapsuleComponent. I have no errors or warnings, and yeah, I do have the inputs under axis mappings

There are 2 meshes in the component tab, Mesh1P, which is a child of FirstPersonCamera, and Mesh (Inherited) which is a child of CapsuleComponent.

Hmm, really strange. So in your character bp you can see the arm mesh?
Would it be possible that you could send me the project so that I can take a look at it -> I just need the map file + the fps template stuff
Also check your gamemode if you have assigned the right character bp, player controller,…

Ok, we solved it -> he had to assign the right character bp to the gamemode :slight_smile: