Play Standalone resolution wrong

Hopefully this will be a simple question to ask.
I have a 4k monitor. When I play standalone in the editor the windows that appear are low resolution, so if I set the window size to 1920x1080 it actually fills a 3840x2160 screen. How do I make it not scale the window content?

You can use this off of your game instance Init:


You will need additional logic to auto-size or save custom user set resolutions.

Out of “get game user settings” you can also use “set dynamic resolution enabled”

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I think I fixed it myself although I’m not 100% sure exactly what did it but going to the engine exe file and adjusting the windows DPI scaling setting seemed to fix it. Although I’m fairly sure I ended up on the same settings as I started it seemed to kick it into showing at the right resolution.

Have you looked into Screen Percentage?


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