Play spell animation to change map

Hi, I’m not sure if I’m asking in a right forum section, however I’ve been thinking on how to make an animation, after which is played your character is teleported to another level (another map inside your project), basically a spell allowing you to switch maps.

I’ve seen a lot of tutorials, showing how to teleport from one map to another by colliding with a trigger box sent on level, however what’s on my mind is constant character “skill” available to player, instead of being dependant on teleportation spots set on your map.

What’s on my mind is hitting a button, which starts playing animation, and when animation is finished, you get teleported to another map.
As a beginner in UE4, I don’t know how to trigger level switch on a button (although I already learned how to start your character’s animation on hitting a button). My next problem will be, how to set the map switch only AFTER playing animation, not before you are able to see it while you hit the button. I do not know how to set some kind of delay in map switching function or is there a better wy to deal with that.

I’d really appreciate any help on that matter.

PS I’m working on FPS blueprint, or rather on third person one with an option to switch it to FPS. The map changing I’m talking about is was ment for the first person view, however seeing how it works in third person would be helpfull as well. Thanks again.

I believe you are looking for “open level” and “delay” node

Hello, but the problem would arise from the fact that you would go to tie that effect to the change of level, But what if if you play already at level 2, accidentally, activate the animation? recharge the level from the beginning. Maybe you could make one or more images appear that allow you to change multiple levels of play and request confirmation before the jump. At this point as you unlock the levels these would increase and you could move from 4 to 1 or 2 to 5 etc …

Ciao, il problema però nascerebbe dal fatto che tu andresti a legare quell’effetto al cambio di livello, Ma che succederebbe se mentre giochi già al livello 2, accidentamente, attivassi l’animazione? ricaricherebbe dall’inizio il livello. Magari potresti far apparire una o più immagini che ti permettano di cambiare più livelli di gioco e di richiedere una conferma prima del salto. A questo punto man mano che sblocchi i livelli questi aumentarebbe e potresti passare da 4 al 1 o dal 2 al 5 etc…