How would I play anim A then Anim B on my character? Im trying to play them so the second anim starts from the end position of the first anim, using root motion.
How would I play anim A then Anim B on my character? Im trying to play them so the second anim starts from the end position of the first anim, using root motion.
Until I get home I can’t be sure, but there might be an “animation finished” exec you can use to call the second animation, otherwise you can add a delay after the first anim call equal to the duration of the first anim then call the second anim.
The easiest way is to use an animation montage. You add multiple animations to it and create “sections”. Then you can run the sections in any sequence you choose. There are tutorial videos out there which cover it. This one from Epic is old but still relevant enough to mention.
Actually i sort of figured out my own answer here - using a palindrome one anim moving backwards with a play rate of -1