Play multiple characters with same key

Hey guys,

This is my first UE project. I have 8 identical characters in my project, and I’m trying to make them all play a single animation upon a single key press.

For this I’ve created identical blueprints for each character with the following basic logic:


However when I compile and run and press ‘0’, only one character, the character for which the blueprint was last created, plays the animation.

What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way of doing this?


Thanks for the reply! Could you elaborate more on ‘get a reference to all the characters…’?

You can control only one character at once.

Get a reference to all the characters and their skeletal meshes and play the animation that way. You can use get all actors of class node.

You need to get a reference of all your characters in the level so you can play the animation.

This tutorial might help you understand better.

That’s because you’re searching for the wrong class. You should search for Character or Pawn instead of Skeletal Mesh Actor.

Thanks for the tip, MMMarcis! I have tried that method but it seems to not be finding any of the SkeletalMeshActors. It seems like they need to be ‘spawned’ for this method to work?

Thanks a lot MMMarcis, it’s working now! Turns out Skeletal mesh actor is indeed the right class, but my blueprint logic had a slight problem. Really appreciate your help!