Play Montage node not working

In the middle of making a combat system for my character. Have got movement working fine but when I adding in the ‘Play Montage’ node to the Character BP, it doesn’t play the attack montage when hitting the input.
It plays if I add the ‘Play Animation’ node in so the input is definitely working. Not sure what I’m doing wrong here.
Have attached images of the anim graph and character BP section for this input.

See if you have set the correct Slot name in your attack montage asset.

Where can I check that?

As you don’t appear to be using any blend nodes on your anim graph you may have accidentally selected UpperBody when you probably want Slot ‘DefaultSlot’ for the node plugged into your OutputPose. However I think the main problem is you are setting the Attacking bool to True and the branch is only checking for a false argument therefore it will never fire the attacking condition

I actually fixed it by switching the set attacking and the branch node around. It now checks if you’re attacking and then if you’re not it plays the next montage so you can’t interupt it the sequence. If you’re not attacking it then set the attacking to true.

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