Play Mode Stops / Freezes below certain point in terrain

Hi, I have a question. I added a landscape to my map, and also a water layer. I’ve sculpted the terrain down a bit, maybe 20m below the world grid location. There seems to be a point under which if I go below the play editor function stops. Escape still works, but I can’t move or move the camera. There are no errors, and no kill volume or anything like that.

Does anyone know what causes this, and how I can fix it? I attached a video that hopefully shows what is happening. The grey floor I added is the lowest I can go on the map before this happens.

2024-01-18 02-23-38.mkv (9.1 MB)

There’s a default Kill Z value set in the World Settings tab, try adjusting that.


That was it, thank you so much @Extrone! Noticed it happened in other levels too, but I’d assumed I did something wrong with the landscape or layers. Thanks a bunch!

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