Play Media sound component when game is paused

I want to play a Media Stream Source (Video) from within a pause screen. When I set the game paused flag the video plays without sound. Enabling IsUISound doesn’t help.

Does anyone experience the same issue?

I’m having this exact same problem. Did you find a solution?

Actually I just tried flipping on the IsUISound flag and it fixed the issue for me. I think what you need to do is also set SetTickableWhenPaused to true.

MediaSoundComponent = ObjectInitializer.CreateDefaultSubobject<UMediaSoundComponent>(this, TEXT("MediaSound"));
	MediaSoundComponent->bIsUISound = true;

I’m sure that I have set the flag on the correct instance. With SetTickableWhenPaused I’m not so sure. The project was about pixelstreaming and that were other issues with sound so I implemented a work-around. Since our videos never change I copied the audio track and play it simultaneously to the video file