Play Matinee when I Kill Boss

Hi There,

I have a matinee where a door will open and let the player move onto the second level, but I want it so the door will only open them moment you kill the boss. But for some reason I can’t get this function to work. I’ve made an Event Dispatcher which the boss calls when it is destroyed, I’ve bonded it in my level blueprint but it still doesn’t seem to work. Has anyone else had a similar issue to this? Screen shots of my Boss Blueprint and my Level Blueprint.


One solution to this would be having a Matinee Actor variable inside your boss character blueprint, since it is on this actor’s death that fires the event.

The level blueprint could set this Matinee Actor on begin play.

See if this works.

Oh Excellent I did manage to figure it out by using an event dispatch in the screenshot, but I’m glad for the alternative method. Thanks so much for you help.
