I joined a team project, It has a lot of blueprints. We are having this problem https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/140953/pie-auto-compile-all-bp-causes-long-loadtime.html . Play in editor takes a very long time to start . No one knows how to fix it yet I guess. But i did follow turning off Auto Recompile Blueprints, which helps for Play In Editor, but not for “Launch”.
But is there some way to write your blueprints where this happens less. I’ve read it happens with a lot of casting. Is there some alternative to casting to write your blueprints to make it not take as long to compile everything.
Is there any method of writing your blueprints that we should follow to speed up compiling, what ways of making blueprints make it take longer to compile so we can avoid that. We are willing to refactor the blueprints to solve this problem.