Play button

Everytime i click on the play button it dont do anything or just goes running around in circles. I have to power the pc down just to stop it. Does this engine even work at all. Placing trees down on this engine is a hit or miss. your lucky it even places one.

Hey @vrandic69 ,
if you are here to seek help for your project you have to give some more details:

What hardware do you use?
Do the included templates from Unreal work?
Is there enough free space on your HDD/SSD?

About your current project:
With which template did you start (empty, FirstPerson, ThirdPerson)?
Did this happen from the start or later on?
What did you do in your project when this started to occur?
You talked about placing trees: How do you do that?
Are there messages in the log?
Did you try to “refresh” the project, e.g. copy the project, delete everything except CONFIG; CONTENT and your *.UPROJECT file and try this project?