Play animation in reverse

Hello! I have made an equipping animation and I just realized I also need it in reversed form so that the player can put away the item. Can I do something in Blueprints to make the same animation play but in reverse? Thanks!

Is it an imported bone animation, paper2d animation, etc? Animation can mean just about anything that is animated.

you set the playtrate in the animation bp, (state window).

I followed this to find out the same, mine is paper2d

Another way to do this is to copy the animation you got, (you mentioned the idle anim - duplicate that), then open the animation up in and look on the left side under “animation” you have a “rate scale” variable, set that to -1. That will reverse the animation.

The way I mentioned before you cant get to by → open anim bp → goto anim graph → open your state machine → open the animation state you want to reverse → there you will have a “play” node that has variables for starting pose and looping etc, and also “play rate” - you can similarity to rate scale set that to -1 to play the animation in reverse.

// gl hf


You haven’t specified what type of animation you are talking about but if its bone animation you can set the “playrate” to -1 in the animation bp to play an animation in reverse.

// glhf


How can I tell he type of animation?

It is the same kind of animation as the default animations. I took the idle animation duplicated it then deleted everything and started from scratch. So what ever the default animation is thats what mine is.

Thank you !)

Unfortunately Kipplingers answer does not work perfectly. Normally when an animation hits the last frame it triggers blend out. If you watch the anim play in the editor you will see it finishes early based on blend out time. If you set the blend out time to the same duration as the animation it will play all the way through however it will be mutated by the blend out. The only way I have found to do it perfectly is to mirror the animation in blender.

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Thanks for this info. I think this might be my issue. I am using the Kubold Animset Pro, just walking animations so far. I have set up strafing and the blendspace as normal. When playing I notice that left strafe causes the legs to clip over eachother. This is not an issue for the right strafe. I looked into the left strafe and in editor all seems well, just not while playing. To test further, I turned off Foot Ik, and duplicated the strafe right, then set it to be the left strafe with -1 play rate. To my surprise, it had the same result as before. In editor looked great, but not while playing. I will try to flip my animation in blender as you mentioned and let you know if it helps. Thanks.

There is a plugin that let’s you create new asset in seconds, reverse and/or mirror animation Anim Mod Tool in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace (