Play Anim Montage and Replication

Hello everyone, i’m trying to setup a anim montage when i press a touch like this :

The animation montage don’t work but the print string say other things :confused:

(ps i have started the game with 2 players and a dedicated server).!

Multicast functions should be called from the server so if you wanted this flow to work you’d first need to call something to RunOnServer then call your Multicast from there.

Is there a working answer to this?

the input event should call a server function , then the server event should call a multcast event , it will work

The following tutorial explains how to replicate animation montages without using remote procedure calls. Here RepNotify method is used. The system also account for the network delay by adjusting the start time of animation montage.
How To Properly Replicate Animation Montages

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