Play, 2500 devices removed, 7 left

Upgraded 4.14.3 to 4.15.0, compiled my app with same parameters, and uploaded to Play.

The Dashboard, removed 2499 visible devices from the App, and made it available only to 7 !

There is any logic explanations to this?

I didn’t change anything on Android settings from the two versions.

The app has VR enabled, and Daydream + Cardboard mode actived.


Since you have Daydream activated in the project settings, 7 devices are all that would be supported. There are only 7 devices currently that support Daydream so is likely the reason you’re seeing this. However, please upload your AndroidManifest.XML with your next reply too. It should be in your Intermediate folder once you’ve packaged.


Yes, but the settings have both Cardboard + Daydream.

I noticed if i remove the Daydream setting, the devices get back to over 2500, but if i use Daydream only or Daydream + Cardboard, the device visibility gets to 7 devices only,

Adding Daydream + cardboard, visibility should be 7 + 2500 right?

[link text][1]

Because you included Daydream, it lowered the amount of devices down to 7. I will pass your manifest along to our Android Developer though, to see if there is something that I may have missed.


It’s possible that the android.hardware.high_performance setting required to be ‘true’ which is restricting it to Daydream devices only. Have you tried changing that to false and seeing the results?

Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!

I did this change, the device list increased to about 200 devices… quite far from the over 2500 supported.

i find out the problem, it is the “” setting, putting to false, will raise the devices back to 2500… but the question is… the app will still be Daydream compliant?

I’ve entered [UE-43314][1] for this issue.

Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-43314)

Daydream and Cardboard option should not set either android.hardware.vr.high_performance or to required=“true”. I’ve made the fix for 4.16, but since it is just a text file you can make it to your copy. Edit Engine/Plugins/Runtime/GoogleVR/GoogleVRHMD/Source/SoogleVRHMD/GoogleVRHMD_APL.xml and change:

		<if condition="bSupportDaydream">
				<addFeature android:name="android.hardware.vr.high_performance" android:required="true" />
				<addFeature android:name="" android:required="true" />
				<addFeature android:name="android.hardware.vr.high_performance" android:required="false" />
				<addFeature android:name="" android:required="false" />


		<if condition="bSupportDaydream">
				<if condition="bDaydreamAndCardboardMode">
						<addFeature android:name="android.hardware.vr.high_performance" android:required="false" />
						<addFeature android:name="" android:required="false" />
						<addFeature android:name="android.hardware.vr.high_performance" android:required="true" />
						<addFeature android:name="" android:required="true" />
				<addFeature android:name="android.hardware.vr.high_performance" android:required="false" />
				<addFeature android:name="" android:required="false" />