I’ve started getting an assert/check when I launch the editor.
It’s dying in:
FTargetPlatformBase(const PlatformInfo::FPlatformInfo *const InPlatformInfo)
: PlatformInfo(InPlatformInfo)
PlatformInfo is of course null. Note: no one else on my team is seeing this, just me.
I ran:
UnrealBuildTool.exe -validateplatform -allplatforms
##PlatformValidate: Win32 VALID
##PlatformValidate: Win64 VALID
##PlatformValidate: Mac VALID
##PlatformValidate: XboxOne INVALID
##PlatformValidate: INVALID
##PlatformValidate: IOS VALID
##PlatformValidate: Android INVALID
##PlatformValidate: WinRT VALID
##PlatformValidate: WinRT_ARM INVALID
##PlatformValidate: HTML5 INVALID
##PlatformValidate: Linux INVALID
##PlatformValidate: Desktop INVALID
I don’t know if that’s helpful. I’ve tried rebuilding, rerunning setup.bat, regenerating project files, etc.
Thanks for any help!
~ DeadmanJack