PlatformInfo assert when starting editor - 4.8.3


I’ve started getting an assert/check when I launch the editor.
It’s dying in:

FTargetPlatformBase(const PlatformInfo::FPlatformInfo *const InPlatformInfo)
: PlatformInfo(InPlatformInfo)

PlatformInfo is of course null. Note: no one else on my team is seeing this, just me.

I ran:
UnrealBuildTool.exe -validateplatform -allplatforms

##PlatformValidate: Win32 VALID
##PlatformValidate: Win64 VALID
##PlatformValidate: Mac VALID
##PlatformValidate: XboxOne INVALID
##PlatformValidate: INVALID
##PlatformValidate: IOS VALID
##PlatformValidate: Android INVALID
##PlatformValidate: WinRT VALID
##PlatformValidate: WinRT_ARM INVALID
##PlatformValidate: HTML5 INVALID
##PlatformValidate: Linux INVALID
##PlatformValidate: Desktop INVALID

I don’t know if that’s helpful. I’ve tried rebuilding, rerunning setup.bat, regenerating project files, etc.

Thanks for any help!

~ DeadmanJack

Hey DeadmanJack-

Have you or any teammates made any changes to the source code prior to receiving this message?

Are you using a source build version of the engine or are you using the binary version of the engine through the launcher?

Does this message during the Unreal Editor splash screen?

Does the editor open after receiving the message?

Hey DeadmanJack-

We’ve not heard from you in a few days so I will be marking this post as resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still having problsm with assert messages please feel free to add a comment to reopen the post and we will continue investigating.


Hey sorry, got swamped and just wiped everything and it’s all working now.
Team had not made any changes as I seemed to be the only one affected.
It was the source build of 4.8.3 and would get to the loading splash and 18% then crash.
Never figured out what was going on and just nuked it from orbit as mentioned :frowning: