Plastic Gluon setup (using Plasic Plugin)

So I’m using a trial version at the moment and want to test Plastic Gluon integration with the Engine using a Plugin GitHub - SRombauts/UE4PlasticPlugin: Official Plastic SCM Plugin for Unreal Engine 4

I’ve been looking around, and Git is usually the popular Source Control that is talked about. I would like to have a intallation process using Plastic Gluon which is the more artist friendly method of a Source Control setup. Do I technically need PlasticSCM?

I usually get this error when I try and connect my Project to a Source Control.
Error Failed to enable Plastic source control. You need to initialize the project as a Plastic repository first.


Yes, you need PlasticSCM to manage the project proper. Gluon is only for those who just need to work on raw assets. You cannot for example create branches in Gluon.