Planar surface

i have made two photos sets : 1 with Sony a6000 (24.3 Mp-24mm) from ground, and 1 with Mavic pro aerial(12Mp-26mm).
I made a registered component with aerial set (78 jpg), then an alignement with the other photo set (547 jpg).
All images resulted aligned, but after the mesh reconstruction i have some problem on surfaces (see attached image).
It is an issue that we can solve taking more photos, or there is other solutions?
Any suggestion is welcome :slight_smile:

Hi Wilfried Bonato

click on COMPONENT with only aerial and look for AVERAGE TRACK LENGTH -> overlap of images. 74 images look to be not enough for stale alignment and so misalignment with the ground images is the result. Would say go for approx 200+ images for this area size.

Hi Wishgranter,

thank you for your suggestion, i will give it a try.

This is quite old, but maybe it will help someone.
These “cracks” are result of groups of images of the same area that are not tied together properly.
This results in 2 (or more) surfaces very close to one another.
RC then changes (sometimes erratically) between the two, depending on the quality and/or coverage in a particular spot.
In my experience, this can be only remedied by adding control points, if it is not possible to add more images.
Sadly, that can easily get out of control in terms of time because often if you fix one spot, another gets thrown out of whack a bit.

Would be way easier if there was a filter for reprojection error, which in my cases takes care of this problem…