Placing entire map inside black box for interior scene getting rid of light leaks

Hi everyone.

Just want to bounce this of you guys and see what you think.
I am working on this sewer interior map.
Kept getting light leaks through my meshes and I know its a lightmap / UV unwrap / LM channel issue.
To avoid using too high settings I thought I try just putting the entire map inside a black box.
This gives me nice deep black shadows and no weird “bounce light” or light that seems to comes through the meshes.
Just wondering what you guys think about this.
Have you done the same for your maps or is this just silly? :slight_smile:

Well … I should probably just turn off the skybox right?
Kill all the direction light coming from the sky.
Or would that affect anything else like the way static meshes react to your own lights placed in the scene?

Yeah used this technique on old Q3 maps so as not to worry about light leaks that generates errors causing a compile failure.

My rule of thumb is if it looks good then it is good. :wink:

O.k. thanks well I am doing builds now with the skybox turned off and that seems to work well too.
Looks like for 100% interior scenes it best to get rid of all the skylight.

So I just turned the skylight off and that has the same effect as the black cube.
So scrap the black box idea. :slight_smile: