I’m getting text that moves from one editable text field to another by clicking back and forth between various editable input fields using UMG widgets.
When I setup new VR example templated in 4.26/4.27 and add widget interaction components to the BP_MotionController and use the Press/Release pointer key driven by a user input through the MotionControllerPawn class I get odd behavior that seems somewhat random. If I have multiple editable text fields on a widget and click back and forth between them, sometimes the text will disappear or even duplicate the text from the last box to the new text box. This does not happen on Windows so I’m not sure what is happening to cause this. Has anyone else seen this issue or has had similar issues with placing a hardware cursor like this on Android?
After several hours of testing I discovered that the project settings checkbox “Enable Improved Virtual Keyboard” changes the behavior a bit from duplicating text into other fields sometimes when checked to just removing and replacing it with a space when not checked. This is not consistent with every cursor click but it is consistent in the behavior when it does mess up. This seems to be an Unreal Engine bug as it is intermittent and in all these tests I am suppressing the system keyboard call as I have an in-app keyboard and don’t need the system one. If anyone has anything to say on this I would greatly appreciate it.
If I’m not mistaken this is an engine bug issue and I guess I will have to submit a bug report unless anyone has any other information otherwise?