Everytime I place some multicast event to blueprint it does not create it at place where I am looking at. It resets event graph window to center (probably initial) position and places there new event, it also resets zoom.
I think it is not as it should be
Hey Nonder,
In order to better assist you, I need to know which delegate events you’re adding into your blueprint. I also need to know exactly how you’re adding these events into your blueprint. Are you dragging and dropping them in? Are you right-clicking and adding them from the list? Are you adding them out of the events section from a component? Also, which version of the editor are you on?
Please provide as much detail as possible so we can further assist you.
Thank you!!
Hello, thank you for reply! I have custom multicast delegate in my class:
`UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = “AI|Custom Movement”)
FOnCustomMovementContinueDelegate OnCustomMovementContinue;
It is similar to default events like OnDestroyed and so on. I open some blueprint graph, create variable AMyPCClass, select that and use green button on right side next to the name of my event delegate. Newly created BP event is not created at right place, so I need to move my view in BP editor again.
I use 4.7.5 version.
Hey Nonder,
When clicking on the green buttons that add an event to your blueprint, they’re suppose to pop up in the blueprint editor. It’s not going to appear exactly where you want it, but it will spawn close enough to your blueprint so you can easily move it around. This is an intended feature with the way that these specific blueprint buttons work. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reply back and I’ll assist you further.
Thank you!
Thank you for testing. For me it is not that very close and it also resets zoom, but if it is intended then there is no reason to lose your time
You’re welcome. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.
Have a great day!!