Hi, I’m having a problem with Pixel Streaming and wanted to ask you a question.
My project has some logic in the form of streaming a video via a URL address. I have a Media Player - Stream video via URL address within my project, and it works fine.
However, when I access this project through pixel streaming, the video does not play in that feature, and I am having issues.
If anyone has had the same experience as me, I was wondering what the issue is and if it can be resolved.
Hey there @KKorukKKoKKa! Welcome back to the community! I’m not too familiar with pixel streaming, but that sounds like this could be an issue involving the server you’re streaming from being able to access the web address specified. Since running it locally is working, I’d start by verifying the server it’s housed on can reach out.
Hi, Pixel Streaming is currently working fine, and we have no issues with visitors being able to connect, launch and experience the content.
However, when the accessor plays the Media player content, only a black box appears and the video is not visible. At that point, the video is being output normally on the PC running PIXEL STREAMING.
Hi there!
Can I get a little more information about your setup? Namely:
- UE version
- PS Infrastructure version
- OS/Platform of the Pixel Streaming instance/machine
There are a couple things that could cause this, and the above should help narrow it down!
Okay, I may know what the issue is with this setup.
With Windows, there are sometimes necessary services that fail to start up without a direct connection (e.g, an RDP connection).
These can often be services required to play media, such as the audiosrv.
As a solid starting point, try Set-Service -Name Audiosrv -StartupType Automatic
I recall that without this service, video playback will fail if the video has audio.
Let me know if this gets things moving for you, otherwise we can look into it further!