Pixelstreaming folder not available under UE 5.1

Hi there, i’d like to set up a pixel streaming connection, but can’t seem to find the necessary pixel streaming web server folder in my UE5.1 installation folder nor in the folder where i packaged my windows game.

I can seem to find it in the UE 5.0 installation folder though…

Anyone know how i can fix it?



in the engine : \Engine\Plugins\Media\PixelStreaming\Resources\WebServers\get_ps_servers.bat

in the packaged project:

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Hi there,

Apologies for the delayed reply. We have recently fixed an issue that meant that sometimes Pixel Streaming Infra files didn’t get copied to the engine folder, so this shouldn’t be a problem going forward.

In the meantime, if you are missing the infrastructure, you can download it directly from Pixel Streaming repo here. Just make sure to download the version that matches your version of UE.

Hope this helps!

having same issue in 5.2.1