Pixel streaming

There is lack of documentation on this theme, tutorials videos etc. I found some old and for ue4. Is it possible to stream from your local computer over public IP address so when I go to coffe shop I can stream my UE5 scene from my computer at home? And can somebody put me in that direction, tutorial, video something where to start? I want to avoid payed subscriptions on some sites because I have my own domain and I would like to post on it (use it as some canal for my computer at home (I am noob at networking)).

  1. Question is these sites that pixel stream your scene, how do they utilize rendering?? What rig do they have?? what if let say 20 people at same time from different locations open browser and went on same IP for scene ? How that work I guess you have to have some serious rig to operate that real time. What is threshold if there is for this ?

This is so many questions about this, but it would be life saver for my presentations if this is possible.