Pixel Streaming Player Status


as of 5.3, what is the status of the Pixel Streaming Player ?

It was part of the Experimental Features of 5.2, but the docs stated:

As of 5.2, the Pixel Streaming Player is currently non-functional. We are in the process of updating it to use the new AVCodecs video coding module, but these changes will not be ready until 5.3.

Now it has disappeared from the Experimental Features of 5.3 and it is marked as “Beta” in the Plugins browser.
It literally does not appear anymore in the docs.
I tried to make it work following the 5.2 guide but I am only getting black output from the Media Texture. The stream itself works ok (signaling server is up and I can connect from other devices).

So, what would be the status of the plugin ? Is it deprecated, broken, or is it supposed to work now in 5.3 ?

Thanks a lot!

P.S.: In case it is broken or deprecated, does anyone have an alternative to read an WebRTC video stream ?

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