Pixel Streaming on UE4.27

My project is local, the signaling server and STUN are on the cloud server, and the operating system is Windows Server 2019.
In version 4.26 I can stream through the sp1 file.The project has now been upgraded to 4.27.
I started the file: “Start_WithTURN_SignallingServer.ps1” and it is working
When I start the "Start_TURNServer.ps1“ file, I keep getting the error as follows:
Running: turnserver.exe -p 19303 -r PixelStreaming -X -E localhost -L localhost --no-cli --no-tls --no-dtls --pidfile “C:/LSY/Pixel/HDSLgis/WebServers/SignallingWebServer/platform_scripts/cmd/coturn/turnserver.pid” -f -a -v -n -u PixelStreamingUser:AnotherTURNintheroad
--------end------ProcessExe—:turnserver.exe,----Arguments–:-p 19303 -r PixelStreaming -X -E localhost -L localhost --no-cli --no-tls --no-dtls --pidfile “C:/LSY/Pixel/HDSLgis/WebServers/SignallingWebServer/platform_scripts/cmd/coturn/turnserver.pid” -f -a -v -n -u PixelStreamingUser:AnotherTURNintheroad
Start-Process : The command cannot be run due to the following error: The system cannot find the file location specifiedC:\LSY\Pixel\HDSLgis\WebServers\SignallingWebServer\platform_scripts\cmd\Start_TURNServer.ps1:38 字符: 1

  • Start-Process -FilePath $ProcessExe -ArgumentList $Arguments -NoNewWi …
  •   + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Start-Process],InvalidOperationException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperationException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartProcessCommand

Anyone cna help me

There was also problems when I run it on cloud server.And my Unreal engine version is 4.27.