Pixel streaming on mobile phone / tablet not possible via 4G/LTE

Hey guys, I’ve found this great tutorial: SETUP REMOTE PIXEL STREAMING IN UNREAL ENGINE 4.24+: Stream your app to any mobile or desktop device - YouTube
and got my own pixel streaming server up and running (both locally and on AWS). But the problem is: Whenever I try to connect via LTE/4G it doesn’t run.
Message on Cirrus: 11:08:05.923 <- player 101: iceCandidate (+lot of blue text)
Message on phone: Starting connection to server, please wait (that’s all) and it’s disconnecting after a while.

The LTE speed is awesome in my region. About 150 mbps upload and 30 mbps download.

Any help would be great!

I have the same problem. For me it works via desktop and also when I’m in the same network (wifi). As soon as I switch off wifi and use 4g / lte, I also get these messages.
Have you already found a way to solve it?
Would be very happy if there is a solution.
best regards
PA :slight_smile:

Looks like the 4G LTE providers are blocking some ports, or some problem with UE, but since most of the UE support is dead/gone/missing will never get the answers


old post but I came also across here since the problem is still current.
Haven’t found a permanent solution yet, but as a workaround going via a vpn like expressvpn works for me.

Update: Found the working solution. Doing it with UE 5.0.3

  1. changed stun server: change Start_Common.ps1 line $global:StunServer = “stun.l.google.com:19302” to $global:StunServer = “stun1.l.google.com:19302

  2. set up coturn server on some cloud machine, you can find a manual here: Frequently Asked Questions — Kurento 6.16.1-dev documentation

  3. edited the Start_SignallingServer.ps1 line:
    #$peerConnectionOptions = “{ "“iceServers"”: [{"“urls"”: ["“stun:” + $global:StunServer + “"”]}] }”
    to $peerConnectionOptions = “{ "“iceServers"”: [{"“urls"”: ["“stun:” + $global:StunServer + “"”,"“turn:YOURTURNSERVERIP:PORT"”], "“username"”: "“PixelStreamingUser"”, "“credential"”: "“AnotherTURNintheroad"”}] }”

  4. Then run only Start_SignallingServer.ps1 for the signalling server. My launch parameters for the game exe: -AudioMixer -PixelStreamingIP=localhost -PixelStreamingPort=8888 -RenderOffScreen

runs like charm for me on mobile and behind proxy as well

For anyone that is facing the same issue, you can also run the Start_WithTURN_SignallingServer.sh file available in the Pixelstreaming infrastructure repo