Pixel Streaming in Windows7

I have to try to use pixel streaming in windows7, and I tried to build ue4.27 from source. I changed the pixel streaming plugin to avoid os version check. Then I successfully start my packaged application.
However, when I visit localhost:80, the browser show me nothing but black. But when I focus my cursor in the black screen, the application in my computer will follow my mouse, it seems everything is ok but no scene.

I tried to close the firewall, but nothing changed. What should I do to make it run in windows7?

Hi there

Pixel Streaming should work just fine with Windows 7 as a connected peer, but you may run into trouble using Windows 7 as a streamer.

Pixel Streaming has never been tested below Windows 8, and isn’t really designed to work with it. We won’t be able to offer much support in getting it to run on Windows 7 as a streamer.