Pixel Streaming, I can't change StreamerPort and HttpPort

I’m using UE 4.27 and UE 5.1, and I want to start two or more " Multiple Full Stacks with Matchmaking". Just like the tutorial, I change StreamerPort and HttpPort, but it still using default config.
My start bat like

PixelStreamingTest\Samples\PixelStreaming\WebServers\SignallingWebServer\platform_scripts\cmd\Start_SignallingServer.ps1 --StreamerPort 8890 --HttpPort 82


,while the cmd printed like

STUN server       : stun.l.google.com:19302
Public IP address :
Cirrus server command line arguments:

Running: platform_scripts\cmd\node\node.exe cirrus --peerConnectionOptions="{ \"iceServers\": [{\"urls\": [\"stun:stun.l.google.com:19302\"]}] }" --PublicIp=
18:18:46.263 configFile E:\Working\UEProjects\PixelStreamingTest\Packaged\Windows\PixelStreamingTest\Samples\PixelStreaming\WebServers\SignallingWebServer\config.json
18:18:46.266 Config file is readonly, skipping writing config...
18:18:46.266 Config: {
        "UseFrontend": false,
        "UseMatchmaker": false,
        "UseHTTPS": false,
        "UseAuthentication": false,
        "LogToFile": true,
        "LogVerbose": true,
        "HomepageFile": "player.html",
        "AdditionalRoutes": {},
        "EnableWebserver": true,
        "MatchmakerAddress": "",
        "MatchmakerPort": "9999",
        "PublicIp": "",
        "HttpPort": 80,
        "HttpsPort": 443,
        "StreamerPort": 8888,
        "SFUPort": 8889,
        "MaxPlayerCount": -1,
        "peerConnectionOptions": "{ \"iceServers\": [{\"urls\": [\"stun:stun.l.google.com:19302\"]}] }"
18:18:46.288 peerConnectionOptions = {"iceServers":[{"urls":["stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"]}]}
18:18:46.291 Running Cirrus - The Pixel Streaming reference implementation signalling server for Unreal Engine 5.1.
18:18:46.299 WebSocket listening for Streamer connections on :8888
18:18:46.300 WebSocket listening for SFU connections on :8889
18:18:46.301 WebSocket listening for Players connections on :80
18:18:46.302 Http listening on *: 80
18:18:46.578 Streamer connected: ::ffff:

it still using default configs in config.json.
How can I change the selecting port of the SignallingServer?

I fixed it.
When you need to use bat/cmd to call powershell scripts, you need to use scripts similar to

Powershell - File yourPowershellFile.ps1 arg1 arg2

to correctly open the PS1 script and pass in parameters in the form of.

And DONOT just using

yourPowershellFile.ps1 arg1 arg2

Although this can open the PS1 script, it can not pass the parameters.
If you call Start_SignallingServer.ps1 in the second way, the script will not be able to obtain the key differentiated parameters – StreamerPort – SFUPort – htpPort, making it impossible to open multiple Start_SignallingServer and perform pixel streaming for Multiple Full Stacks
Just add Powershell - File before.