Pixel streaming cost

I want to build a website for users to view 3d models in real time using Pixel Streaming. I wonder how much the cost will be. Since I don’t really understand how much data is transfered during a pixel streaming session (nothing show ups in the chrome devtool’s network tab when I interact with the model in the browser), I wonder if it’s a lot or not, and also how much should I expect to hire a decent gpu server to run a seperate instance for each connected user. Anyone has experience with this?

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currently what we are using is AWS g4dn Instance with a decent GPU, it costs us around 1 $ per hour.


Can you tell me more about the application you are running? Like how large is it and how many user visits it has?

Currently we are running 1 instance and in that we are running 1 Unreal Engine application. It is around 2GB. currently it is like one person can play it one time. We are trying to scale it massively.

Can you please explain a little more about this 1$ per hour cost. Like how it is managed?

Check this Doc - GitHub - TensorWorks/PixelStreamingCloudGuide: A guide to Pixel Streaming in the cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP, Linux, Windows).

This is scaling solution - https://scalablestreaming.io/

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Hey, check out www.arcware.com
their product CloudRT should be the best solution for your request.
they have their own custom GPU cloud server for UE projects, and others mostly use AWS. So arcware’s streaming is the most powerful and fastest service I have seen in pixel streaming.

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This is Serdar from the Vagon. Check out, Vagon Streams.

We offer competitive rates starting from just $0.018 per minute with RTX-supported GPU-installed performance options.

The pricing for all performance options is available on this page. The total costs will vary according to the session length, however, you will be able to monitor & optimize costs from a single dashboard.

Through Vagon Streams, you can serve your project to thousands of users around the world with our 20+ regions globally, including Europe, North and South America, Asia, and Australia.

For your questions, just check vagon.io/streams or contact us from our website, we’ll be happy to help!

Hi @Adnan_IB … thanks for the link. I’ve just created a free account and uploaded a project for testing purposes, and found the process very intuitive and straightforward. If all goes well, then we may well make use of Arcware for the educational simulators weare developing.

One question though … could you please tell me where the servers are based (I assume one is in Munich), as the pixel streaming tests have been a big laggy for me so far? Also, are there plans to increase the geographic availability of servers (we’re in the UK)?

All that said, I really like what appears to be a very professional resource. Well done all.

We started working with Arcware last month and I must say we’re very happy with their services and products. Thank you

You can even try Streampixel. Unlike other service providers, they charge a simple monthly fees of Euros 99 in which you can stream for unlimited hours. The performance is also good.

Check out arcware.com. We work with them for ArchViz and Digital Twin projects. Performance is amazing all around and prices are relatively cheap.