Pixel Streaming Build crash on Player Connection

I created a packaged build of my UE4.26 Pixel Streaming application two weeks ago and verified that it ran fine and a player on Google Chrome could connect successfully.

Yesterday with the same build, across multiple Windows 10 machines, and across multiple browsers, the build now crashes 100% of the time when a Player clicks “Click to start” on the browser.

The following error appears as the UE application crashes


The following is the SignallingWebServer log file which indicates that:
player 101 connection closed: 1011 - Failed to set remote offer sdp: Failed to set remote video description send parameters.


Edit: I have tested on the latest versions of Chrome (Version 89), Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and Brave, and all produce crashes. My build was verified working on Chrome versions 88 and below.

Pixel Streaming not working in Chrome version 89.
I have the same problem.


This is related to Chrome release. WebRTC in Unreal Engine is an older version and will likely be resolvable through a custom engine update with a later revision of WebRTC. My group is looking into creating a fork to resolve this because I simply don’t see Epic Games being able to do so anytime soon.

Steps that should offer a glimmer of hope for the short run: 1) Clone this repo: GitHub - sourcey/webrtc-builds: Automated WebRTC build scripts for Linux, Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. 2) Build a Debug and Release for Win64 (or whatever platform you’re wanting) 3) Create a new rev folder in Engine source: D:\git\UnrealEngine-1\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\WebRTC 4) Modify WebRTC.Build in that directory to use the new revision directory 5) Copy all header files to \Includes and the protobuf_full.lib, protobuf_lite.lib, protoc_lib.lib, system_wrappers.lib, webrtc.lib into their respective subdirectories (matching the other repositories Unreal has) 6) Attempt to build a custom Unreal Engine and clean up deprecations/interfaces

chasseb20’s answer is a life saver. I have been debugging this issue for a while. In my case, I initially discovered the crash occurs only when i use some specific devices. I checked the chrome version for those devices, and it was indeed Chrome 89. Though I would like to add, if you follow the advice of this link: https://groups.google.com/g/discuss-webrtc/c/24LiX06HwpM/m/SGxev6-7DQAJ and pass in {offerExtmapAllowMixed:false} where the RTCPeerConnection constructor is called in the signalling webserver code of Pixel Streaming, you can avoid rebuilding webrtc

https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/1016020/view.html for details on this