Hello everyone. I’m completely new in UE4 and 3ds max soft.
I have an issue with situation that described in topic title.
When i’m moving a basic cylinder on my level scene, the object was created with pivot point right on the center of it and not moving while rotating, BUT when similar static mesh was imported from 3ds max, the pivot point is placed on different location and moving while rotation.
I know about 0,0,0 position in 3ds max but it doesn’t working for me.
Only when i’ve placed static mesh on custom position in 3ds max scene, i have something that i need, BUT the pivot point is still not in the center of static mesh.
I’ve already spend a lot of time and use all variants from answers and google, but something i’m doing wrong.
Please, help me with this issue!
Not really familiar with 3ds, but firstly, reset transforms of your object before exporting and secondly make sure that your mesh pivot point is either placed at world origin or Transform Vertex To Absolute is checked(or unchecked) in UE4 importer.
The moment with Transform Vertex was a good advice, but i was solved my problem by another way.
In my particular case, the problem was in imported static mesh to 3ds max from SketchUP. Seems to me, this program can’t be used for higt quality export to .fbx format because of missing pivot point management.
So, when i used meshes are that was designed in 3ds max and then exported to the UE4, all pivot points are created right there where i need.
The setting that i used to import in UE4 placed on screen.