Pivot Plugin

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know a good alternative to the Pivot Tool plugin? I really need it, but unfortunately, it’s no longer supported in UE 5.5 and it seems like it never will be.

Link to the plugin: https://www.fab.com/listings/848d64ea-188d-494a-962f-21ed56955bc2

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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I assume Nate stopped producing the plugin because it’s now basically available as part of the modelling tools?

I highly doubt that this is the reason, considering that he hasn’t updated any of his five plugins, despite them being extremely popular based on the number of reviews.

As for the ability to set the pivot point in the modeling tools now, it’s nowhere near the usefulness of his plugin, really, nowhere close. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Likely because this engine has no future or reason to exist when epic keeps making bad choiches all around (say hello to yor new peivacy policy! You have no rights!) Meanwhile performance keeps going past the floor like they are purpously digging for petrol Armegeddon style…

Not to mention the fact Fab steals our money for our products.
The fact that Epic denies legit releases on a whim/puts guardrails wrose than Apple, then britches at Apple in court for having the same BS they have…
The fact the mods on this forum are hell bent on censorship yet when Tim gets censored on X (and only then, mind you) cencorship is bad…
(actually he even go suit slapped for doing stupd sht against apple, maybe some censorship of his own posts would help him save face :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

There are just so many reasons to abandon ship for better seafearing vessels.
Its onestly surprising tencent hasnt taken the axe down on the epic coriander just yet…

Pivot tool wise, in ue4 you could just move the object pivot to begin with by shift alt dragging or some other combo. Look it up. No plugon required. Its limited by the option you set for world units.

Personally. I just import my models right when i’m forced/have to use the engine for a client or something…

Quite a few harsh words, hehe.

Personally, I only use UE for ArchViz, so I don’t really feel affected by the privacy policy, but I totally get why game developers are frustrated :confused:
Performance-wise, I don’t have too many complaints—aside from the occasional (or rather, frequent) crashes, of course :joy:

That’s also why more and more people are moving away from Fab and selling their UE plugins independently on their own websites where no one can dictate how they should do things.
Though, to be fair, Fab does give your product way more visibility compared to a standalone website…

That said, UE has been serving me really well overall. And let’s not forget, it’s free while other ArchViz software isn’t exactly cheap. But as for game development? Can’t really comment, I have no clue, hehe.

Regarding the Pivot Tool, yeah, you could move the object pivot in UE4 using shortcuts, but for the kind of work I do, the nate’s plugin is pretty much irreplaceable. I work a lot with dynamic meshes, constantly rotating them across different axes, and the plugin just makes that process so much smoother along with a bunch of other useful features.