Pivot Painter for Blender

Pivot painter is used for animations of meshes with use of shaders. It can create animations from grass and trees to complex objects, but also object built and destruction as used in fortnite. Many other basic examples are shown in the content example project from epic that only stress the gpu.

If you find a bug, need a help or even create something with this addon, feel free to let me know.

Addon link:

With the addon come the examples shown in the video to help you understand the use of it.


I went to see if people were still using this, but three years on and zero replies? Are the people who are using this discussing it somewhere else or is there an alternative I haven’t found yet?

I’m very curious to how this works, because from Blender, straight FBX does not retain scale properly so how to you get proper pivots without going through one of the other add-ons (like Datasmith or Send to Unreal)?