Pitching camera slightly during special move in FP

I’m having issues with what I thought would have a simple solution.
I’m trying to mimic some of Apex Legends/Titan Fall 2 movements system and its parkour moves.
I have most of it figured out but what I lack now is some control over my camera when some of the moves are executed.

Basically what I’m trying to do right now is : if you climb a huge wall you will look down at your hand, focussing on the climbing animation for a moment. I’m having trouble gaining control of my camera for a moment.

What I’ve tried :

  • From what I’ve seen Camera Animations are deprecated ? I’ve tried doing the camera movement needed with the Sequencer but it seems to be made for CineCamera, which doesn’t seems to be what I’m looking for here.
  • I’ve tried adding a secondary camera to my Character blueprint, but I can’t find any functions to pan from a camera to another smoothly.
  • So for now I’ve tried adding a float variable to my Pitch input and well, it works, but it’s really robotic and the speed is limited by the fact that it’s added to my inputAxis. Also I can’t lock inputs with this solution.

Do you have any ideas how I could do that?

If CameraAnims are gone, then you could use your same solution, but with a Timeline instead of delay-set-delay-set.

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Forgot to answer when I went back to this project months later. I did it like you advised, a timeline and an actor offset, it works pretty well

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