I am trying to rotate an object around all three axis first one at a time then all at once. What I noticed is is that the Roll and the Yaw can be in between -180 and 180 degrees but the Pitch can only move from -90 to 90 degrees. Is this a bug or I am missing something?
Yes. It is a bug and Epic’s been working on it since last year IIRC. In fact I am waiting for a solution for it, maybe we can get an ETA for it if we bump this question.
I hope this can help you. I’ve noticed that using the Add Local Rotation node instead of Set World/Relative Rotation prevents the pitch bug from happening. So if you want to replace your Set nodes with the Add Local Rotation ones, you can simply substract the actor or component rotation from your desired rotation and plug the result into the node.
Has this been fixed? I’m having a rotation problem with pitch and maybe this is related.
To raise the issue. (!!!)
No update here?
Wow, this is still a thing, this glitch is unbelievable
Not a glitch, that’s how the engine setup pitch mainly for use in FPS where going beyond 90 didn’t make sense. You can look straight up or straight down that’s why pitch stops at 90 and -90. Going beyond that causes the phenomenon of gimbal lock and to avoid that you can use quaternions or some other methods people have mentioned but I forget exactly how using rotator addition. If you want a quaternion solution you can check out the video #2 below.