Hi there! I’m trying to compile GitHub - PipeRift/SaveExtension: Provides UE4 with a save-game system with support for savegame tags, level streaming and more for UE 4.26. Seem like it’s compatible by code with 4.26 and seems project is a bit abandon. I don’t have any errors in IDE, but when I try to compile I get:
unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static class UClass * __cdecl UDeveloperSettings::StaticClass(void)" (__imp_?StaticClass@UDeveloperSettings@@SAPEAVUClass@@XZ) in function "public: static class UClass * __cdecl USaveSettings::StaticClass(void)" (?StaticClass@USaveSettings@@SAPEAVUClass@@XZ).
unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: __cdecl UDeveloperSettings::UDeveloperSettings(class FVTableHelper &)" (__imp_??0UDeveloperSettings@@QEAA@AEAVFVTableHelper@@@Z) in function "class UObject * __cdecl InternalVTableHelperCtorCaller<class USaveSettings>(class FVTableHelper &)" (??$InternalVTableHelperCtorCaller@VUSaveSettings@@@@YAPEAVUObject@@AEAVFVTableHelper@@@Z).
And many other related to all virtual methods of UDeveloperSettings. I have no clue how to fix it. Google says not much about that
Maybe there are C++ guru who may lead me how to resolve this error? Seems like it common request but no solution yet (
Any help would be appreciated