Hello everyone. I’ve been working through the Epic Games approved Unreal Engine course on Udemy. https://www.udemy.com/course/unreale4/
I’m on the pinball section right now and have encountered an issue. I modeled my event graph identically to the instructor, but when my pinball hits the bumper it doesn’t react the same way. Instead of bouncing off with force, it collides and then just rolls away. Does someone know why this is happening or how to fix it? Thanks!
Without any graph or code will be hard to know what’s the problem is. Is is a physics game? Physics material?
It seems that no impulse is applied.
So, let’s start with checking if the cast succeeds:
If it prints “CAST OK”, then increase the impulse from 10k to 100k and see what happens.
Okay. I modeled mine exactly after yours, and I have triple checked it, but when the ball collides I don’t get anything in the output log at all. Neither Cast Failed or Cast ok appears.
Then the collision is not being detected. What are the collision settings and the components hierarchy for both the ball and the bumper?
Hi. I’m sorry, I’m still pretty new to Unreal Engine, where can I find this at?
Okay. The bumper collisions is set to overlap all. The ball collision is set to Physics Actor.
Make sure that in bumper:
- BumperMesh: nocollision
- Capsule: OverlapAllDynamic or OverlapAll
Can you show me the Ball BP? Is it only a staticmesh or does it has something else?
What is BumperMeachnism?
Also, make sure that in the collisions in both the ball and the bumper, “Generate Overlap Events” are checked.
I changed the collisions to like you said, and now the ball just goes straight through the bumper without colliding. I didn’t set it to no collision though. What should I do?
To be honest, I don’t know. Is there some way to share the engine with you so you can see what it is directly?
This is what I want you to do.
Open Bumper BP.
- It has 3 components: BumpMesh, BumpMeachnism and Capsule.
- select BumpMesh and screeenshot the collision settings (see figure)
- Do the same for the BumpMechanism (select and screenshot)
- Do the same for the Capsule (select and screenshot)
Now open the Ball BP and do the same for all components.
The collisions settings are all ok.
In the Bumper BP, is the Capsule larger than BumperMesh? I mean, is the capsule in a position where the ball touches the Capsule, before the mesh? If not, the ball stops.
And if still nothing, then please share the bumper BP and the ball BP .uasset files.