PIE starts with auto-Eject - Unable to revert back to "spawning"

While in PIE my editor froze.
I immediately saved to avoid losing work after it unfroze.

However, ever since when I start PIE, instead of spawning, I start in Eject-Mode (F8).
I’ve searched the project settings and editor settings, but I can’t find a solution how to revert back to start PIE as “spawn player”. I’ve made a new project and the problem does not occur.
So it has to be somewhere in the project I think?

EDIT: there is an option to start as player under PIE settings in the editor Hud, however it is grayed out, I can’t select the option.

Many thanks in advance.

Hi, maybe some gamemode options did get scrambled.
Looks like you’re starting as spectator. One possible option: check, if gamemode options did get corrupted by the freeze… especially:


If this is checked, you get spawned like ejected

or the default pawn has changed to SpectatorPawn…

Many thanks for your help!

The default pawn seems to be correct.

However I can’t find the “game mode” you mention. Where can I find this?
It’s not under maps & modes that I can see and searching for it doesn’t give me a “hit”.

If you define your own game mode based blueprint, this option is available here:


I also remember, I had a real bad crash freezing my complete computer forcing me to do a hard power off.

From that, I remember, that all my Editor Preferences had been scrambled.

You could try to reset this to default

Ermm maybe I’m still to new to this. Where can I locate this?
I haven’t implemented any game modes yet (need to implement that), so it’s just vanilla first person.

But don’t feel like exporting all the work (map, assets, textures etsc) done until the map is done. As I still have a lot of temporary assets in prop-making levels if you know what I mean.

Don’t think this is it, given I started a new project and the problem is gone.
So it seems to be somehwere in the current project.

I did have a month ago with a different project. It resetted my entire editor settings.
That was highly annoying, had to rebind all shortcut keys… So did a “return to default” just to be safe back then :).

Well, this was just in case you have your own game mode. If you create a new blueprint based on Game Mode Base, these settings will show up in the details section.

Could you please try to check the Auto Posses Player setting for your character


Yes, I agree. I just remember, that there had been a discussion on a problem like yours, where this reset did help in multiple cases.

I feel really, really stupid right now. The pawn was on disabled in 1thperson BP, set it to player0. Still didn’t work, and only then I noticed the green icon looked (underneath the arrow) differently…

The editor seems to have changed it from “selected viewport” to “Simulate”.
And reseted the pawn to disabled.

Many thanks for your patience and help! I feel it has had to be a combination between the auto poses player and the “simulate”.

Yes, I agree. I just remember, that there had been a discussion on a problem like yours, where this reset did help in multiple cases.
It never hurts to do a total reset if all fails right :stuck_out_tongue: