Hello !
When spawning an actor on server, it doesn’t spawn on client. The actor is properly configurated to be replicated, and had bReplicates = true.
The weird thing is that it only has this problem after a few seconds. In the first seconds, the replication is totally fine.
The other weird thing is that this only happens in PIE (Play In Editor) ; in packaged builds or in command line launch (with the -game argument) it works fine as well.
Here is a video example to show you the problem, with rockets spawned, which have this BeginPlay code, to prove that actors only get spawned on server:
void AGravityProjectileRocket::BeginPlay()
UKismetSystemLibrary::PrintString(this, GetName() + " -> Spawned !", true, true, FColor::Red, 4000.f);
Any ideas? Is this a bug, or am I doing anything wrong?
Thanks !