Pickup item from open drawer

Hi, I’m trying to get the item from a drawer only if it’s open. I have the opening and closing of the drawer but I do not know how to set the item to take it. All I need to do is destroy it for now.
Thank you for your help!

Hi Ridikmen, First, Do you have any pickup function ( system) to hold the item you pick? Or any kind of inventory to store the item or you just want to keep it in your hand.

it depends very much on your system. please ask a more specific question.

Hi, i dont have any inventory system. I am new in unreal engine and only have some basic knowledge from watching tutorial videos. I just want after press some key, forexample E add me health or fill hunger for now. I have saved health varibale (float) in my ThirdPersonCharacter BP . Later i have to look at how to create inventory. Sorry for my bad english.

it’s okay, just keep in mind that AnswerHub is not a place for tutorials, but place to reference questions and answers. You need to be specific in what you are asking, and in turn cannot abuse others to write tons of code for you. hope you understand :slight_smile: