Pickaxe & Rock Collisions Not Working

Hey, I need help with Unreal Engine 5.3.
I have my collisions set up as it should and everything continues to ignore the pickaxe but itself. I have tried having it block everything and in the event graph to just ignore itself but it does not work and I also tried doing a customized “Pickaxe” collision and it ignores everything still.
The Rock is set to block all and is a world static and in my collision I have it set to block world static.
If you see rock it’s because I also tried having a customized rock collision but I realized I do not need it anymore.
The Rock and Pickaxe uses an auto convex collision which does work as I have placed a big version in the world to block me from moving through it.
I feel like I am missing something but I have checked YouTube videos and forums etc to find something I am missing but there is nothing. I feel like both the pickaxe and rock being actors might be an issue but I have also placed the original static mesh in the scene too and does the same effect with no BP on it.
The end result should block the pickaxe from going through the rock and the pickaxe should detect if it’s going through or touching the rock so I can put in some additional function but right now it just detects itself.