this is the child bp im picking up i know i forgot to reconnect the boolean but that does not matter as long as the exec is hooked up it still works anyway
when i connect it before the parent pickup i just change characters if i do it after its the same result
i am trying to make it so i can pick it up but as long as i am holding it i will stay that character and when i drop it i return to normal
i have even tried adding a collision box to it and running it that way but it does not work when i pick it up just when i drop it or walk into it i know i am missing something i just can’t think of what… so some help would be appreciated
thanks guys
Super confused here. I can’t make sense of those BPs. So you have a character…you want the character to “pick up” an item and then change characters? Please clarify what you are trying to achieve here.
yea sorry… ok so the first 2 pics are the main weapon bp the 3rd is the weapon child im working with and the 4th pic is my change actor. So what i wanted to do is have the weapon bp and make is so when i pick up the weapon i wanted it to change the character. But as its set up if i hook up my change actor function he just picks it up but changes without holding the weapon. so that is the part im stuck on.
So if I am understanding this correctly, you want to basically have say a soldier carry a machine gun, then find a sword on the ground, the soldier picks up the sword, turns into a ninja character that is now holding said sword? And if the ninja were to pick up say a bow and arrow to turn into a warrior carrying a bow?
pretty much yea… sure i could just change the character mesh and call it a day but i wanted to add a few skills and as far as i know just changing the mesh can’t do that.
So what you need to do is script the “pick up and switch” stuff in something like the player controller. You need to use “Possess” and “Un-Possess” nodes. So on pick up of the sword, spawn the ninja, “Possess” the ninja character, “Un-Possess” the soldier. And then you should be good to go. You might want to “destroy” the sword pick-up and just have the sword as part of the ninja BP for example so when you spawn and possess the Ninja the sword is already there. Delete the soldier otherwise the character will still be sitting in your level FYI.