PhysX constraint(?) crash

We have had this physX crash randomly occuring for a while now, from UE 2.23 to UE 2.24

It occurs occasionally when we ragdoll our enemy characters physics body and also at the same time cut one or more physics constraints, We have alot of enemies that ragdoll on death and it’s usualy fine.

We know it crashes in the “During Physics” tick in a separate thread just after we start simulating physics.
Here is a video of the crash information in Visual Studio, The crash lies inside the PhysX3PROFILE_x64.dll the second video shows the variable values at the crash moment.

[Video of our latest crash][1]
Edit: [PhysX Values at crash][2]

This was the joint we cut before it crashed in the video (but it doesn’t necessarily mean that this joint is the problem):
EDIT: We just got the crash by just setting physics enabled and not breaking any constraints (i think, not 100% sure)

From our exprience it seems like the crash occurs more likely at some unknown conditions.
On my computer i have never experienced this crash, i even tried to spawn thousands of enemies in waves but no crash. For 2 of our computers we have only crashed in the later part of our game and for some of our testers it crashed in other parts of the game.

Here is a log for the crash from another time when we played a development build of the game, which is for some weird reason longer than when we crash in Editor, It usualy don’t show anything above the line PhysX3PROFILE_x64!physx::Sc::ConstraintProjectionTree::projectionTreeBuildStep() …

(And we are not using ray tracing even if the crash mentions that)

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000058

Gori!DispatchCheckVerify<bool,<lambda_de98ad14dd8e036a4ab015346cd25778> >()
Gori!TRDGLambdaPass<FGenerateSkyLightVisibilityRaysCS::FParameters,<lambda_b2336f278bcd1ed1ee1f0d3535b2ffb0> >::ExecuteImpl()
PhysX3PROFILE_x64!physx::Sc::ConstraintProjectionTree::projectionTreeBuildStep() [d:\build\++fortnite\sync\engine\source\thirdparty\physx3\physx_3.4\source\simulationcontroller\src\scconstraintprojectiontree.cpp:439]
PhysX3PROFILE_x64!physx::Sc::ConstraintProjectionTree::buildProjectionTrees() [d:\build\++fortnite\sync\engine\source\thirdparty\physx3\physx_3.4\source\simulationcontroller\src\scconstraintprojectiontree.cpp:381]
PhysX3PROFILE_x64!physx::Sc::ConstraintProjectionManager::processPendingUpdates() [d:\build\++fortnite\sync\engine\source\thirdparty\physx3\physx_3.4\source\simulationcontroller\src\scconstraintprojectionmanager.cpp:404]
PhysX3PROFILE_x64!physx::Sc::Scene::stepSetupCollide() [d:\build\++fortnite\sync\engine\source\thirdparty\physx3\physx_3.4\source\simulationcontroller\src\scscene.cpp:3730]
PhysX3PROFILE_x64!physx::Sc::Scene::simulate() [d:\build\++fortnite\sync\engine\source\thirdparty\physx3\physx_3.4\source\simulationcontroller\src\scscene.cpp:1453]
PhysX3PROFILE_x64!physx::Cm::Task::run() [d:\build\++fortnite\sync\engine\source\thirdparty\physx3\physx_3.4\source\common\src\cmtask.h:67]